Friday, September 19, 2008

The Purse: a Sign of Coming of Age

Yesterday, I turned 28. Neither old nor young. I have aches and pains and zits. I am a cook and a maid and a librarian and an executive. A friend and a sister and a daughter (I hope a very good daughter). And a wife. And a lover, occasionally, when the aches and pains and zits don't get in the way.

I am a fan of birthdays. There were days and months and even a year or so that I didn't plan on having more of them. Life is precious and change is constant and we should all take a minimum of one day a year to celebrate us, a gift from God.

So how did I celebrate? Well, I got birthday cards, which I love. And DH bought me a new wallet because mine was all faded. I like the color of the new one better than the old one. And my friend Beth bought me a cookbook (I adore any cookbook that has stories connected to the recipes - because a recipe without a story is just a list of ingredients). And then DH took me out to dinner and to JC Penney for a new purse.

I've only recently become educated in the way of purses. They are just about as diverse as shoes in color, pattern, shape, construction, size, etc. A purse is not just a purse - it is a satchel, a tote, a hobo, a handbag. For ages I've carried a small purse because I don't like much fuss. I needed a wallet, a place for my cell phone, and a place for keys.

Now, though, I'm growing up. And I see the advantage of carrying a pen (or two because I always lose one), tissues, lipstick, pressed powder, a nail file, gum, tic tacs, hand sanitizer, etc. etc. I'm a walking canteen for the feminine persuasion (and you boys out there reading this.. you know darn well that you ask for stuff from us females all the time). In fact, DH and I had a fun time "filling" the new purse last night with various sundries.

I wonder if I'm carrying everything I need. Or, if I have too much. I tried to search the web this morning for "what women carry in purses" and came up with very few relevant results. Is there a definitive lists of must-haves? In addition to what I've listed above I also have a notebook, Tylenol and feminine sundries.

Your thoughts? Gentleman, what should we carry for you, since you don't like having bulky pockets?


Bud Ballyhoo said...

After reading your post, I opened my purse to see what I had that was a bit different...Most everything is the same...Wallet, checkbook, keys, pens, lipgloss, assorted candies and gum...

I have a hairbrush, which for some reason, I never use, but it goes from purse to purse. It's not that I particularly want wonky hair, I just don't think about it.

One of those Tide "oopsie, I dribbled soup on my shirt pens". Best thing ever invented.

My business card...because I cannot remember the phone numbers at work...Sad, I know...but we have 6 or 7 and that's not including the fax numbers.

A sewing kit. Yeah,cheesy...but lemme tell ya...when you have a student in tears because they have body parts exposed from a missing button, you find a sewing kit.

And lastly, a spare pair of glasses...Which I meant to drop in my desk drawer, but never did. I'm terrified I'll break my glasses at work and someone will have to drive me home (no easy feat as I live an hour away) and then bring me back or hubby will have to tear the house apart trying to find my other pair, and then call 6 times asking again where they are, then drive them down me when I say that it's easier to cary a spare pair on my person than deal with that.

So there's my purse...heavy as can be, but necessary. ;-)


Amy J said...

Wallet, with all kinds of crap.
Reusable grocery bags
Chap stick
Glasses repair kit
Assorted pain killers
Gum (three flavors at the moment, oy)
Flash light
Epi Pen
4 pens