Saturday, September 27, 2008

What I Love About Facebook

It is, at first, a little scary. Will any of these people remember me? What kind of information can I put in this profile without getting fired? Do I add every picture I take at every event or just a choice few that show my best profile? Does having hundreds of friends make me look popular or desperate in an online environment? Do I really have to accept every 'Lil Green Plant or can I claim that my online nursery is full?

However, I've grown a bit fond of Facebook. I like seeing what folks are doing in their own parts of the universe. And since there's no way I'm leaving Florida to attend my 10 year high school reunion (crap, I'm old), I can at least keep up with a few of the folks from there. It's a pleasant distance, in a way - a shiny layer of friendliness and reminiscing without actually having to BE there. Awkward.

One of my favorite pastimes in Facebook - when I am tired of playing Spider Solitaire and it's too early for Second Life or cleaning my house or shopping or whatever else I can do in a day - is looking at other people's friends. Usually, I find someone I know and like and that is kind of a score for me. Other times, though - and this is even better - I find people that I know and I didn't like. Or, loathed. That happened today.... I came across a mortal enemy from college. Of course, it's been like 5 years since we parted ways, but that annoying little face shined up at me like a greasy zit on a big day. Ugh. But you know what I got to do? Nothing! I chose NOT to friend him. That's right. We're not friends! The POWER!

Of course, karma.... I have lots of pending friend requests. I'd like to think that folks just don't log in as much as I do. But maybe I'm the zit.


AL Ruano said...

I sympathize. I ran into a middle-school nemesis and was pleased to find him fat, uggly and terribly unkept :)

Chandra said...

A student I taught 16 years ago found me on Facebook. We were online at the same time and had a great IM session of catching up.