Saturday, October 13, 2007


I could not think of a better name for this post. I find this odd, because normally I am filled with witty repartee. However, since I've been thinking most of the week, perhaps my brain decided to take a miniature vacation.

I believe it also decided to take a vacation last night, because I was goofing around right before bedtime and pulled a muscle in my neck. I suppose that it could also be a nerve issue of some sort: whatever the case, I was unable to turn my head more than about 15 degrees to the right, nor able to move my right arm with any kind of flexibility, nor even able to sit up or turn in bed. I move quite a bit when I sleep (old worn out mattress), so the twilight hours were especially displeasing. However, today is a new day, as I located the bottle of hydrocodone that I keep on hand for such emergencies. I see mobility on the horizon.

The weather is finally lovely - and I am so glad that it waited until Saturday to be so. I abhor lovely days during the work week (although, having a window-less office makes a sunny workday much more tolerable). I think that I'm going to get lost today. To those of you who know me, you know that this isn't unusual - I have the sense of direction of a Taraxacum officinale. However, my mother became worried when I found myself near Michigan on a trip home from Wisconsin (read: the wrong way), and promptly gifted me a TomTom. I LOVE it. We took an extended midnight drive earlier this week and I was fascinated with the ease of navigation, the alternative route features, the pretty touch screen, and the incredible brilliance of it all. I remember when I was in Governor's Academy in high school and we participated in a demonstration of GPS, an up-and-coming technology. I now feel old, but grateful that I don't have to carry maps that don't make sense to me anymore.

1 comment:

Amy J said...

Glad you are now able to not get as lost :-) Love ya.