Father time has swept away another year. Is it just me, or did it go by absolutely fast? Work-wise, my team and I have torn through an incredible amount of projects. I've danced with joy and cried with anger and disappointment. Personally, I've experienced a mix of most excellent and far-less-than excellent memories. I've made friends and renewed relationships (I'm so glad you are back in my life). And, it's all gone by in a blink of an eye.
I'm weird about resolutions. I've made so many before that have lacked depth and gumption. I think that some of them have resulted in me fatter and less involved, sadly (we are our own worst enemies, after all). I also think resolutions are incredibly personal. it's different from a goal, which should absolutely be announced and committed to openly so that you have a community incentive to complete that commitment.
So maybe instead of resolutions I can post some commitments.... some goals for which I'll be publicly responsible:
Post to this blog more. Not just personal items (of which this is, primarily), but also tidbits relevant to the library profession and to the study and love of information in general.
Keep my Web 2.0 up to date. One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone uses something like MySpace and then lets it go to the dogs. And, of course, I'm totally one of those people. (Although, as of today, my MySpace is updated.
Be a better instructor and manager. I need to make calls and keep up with appointments and post to my classes on time. I stink at it and that's hardly an excuse.
Relax more when I'm not working. And, stop working so that I can relax.
How about you? What are your resolutions or commitments?
1 comment:
Love, love, love your background on your Myspace page!!!! I keep thinking about creating one but never get around to it (like setting up social bookmarks and RSS feeds)
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