Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saturday - Really?

3:30am: wake up to the sound of rain. My half-hazed head thinks that Fay made it into my bedroom; but no. My husband left the garage door open to listen for the rain to lighten up before leaving for work. I suggest that I'll take him to work. He says no. I silently say "thank God" and trudge back to bed.

4:00am: as I'm nodding off, realize I have an increasingly painful headache.

9:30am: wake up with a full-blown migraine. Take 4 Aleve and crawl back into bed with the laptop. Avoid kitten claws while logging into Second Life.

11:00am: make my first pass at cleaning the kitchen. End up moving around all of the silverware/utensil drawers and only putting away the top shelf of the dishwasher.

12:00pm: realize I've spent most of the day buying artificial shoes, hair and clothes for an avatar in an artificial world using real money. Dismiss my concerns since my avatar looks darn good.

1:20pm: Hubby comes home earlier than expected. Nothing is done. Oops.

2:00pm: Naptime.

4:30pm: Wake up from a deep sleep and thoroughly weird dreams. Grateful to be awake. Until I realize the house is still dirty.

5:00pm: Lose my first game of darts to hubby.

6:00pm: Good dinner. Steak and french fries.

6:30pm: Lose my second game of darts to hubby.

7:00pm: Take a nightmare motorcycle ride. No helmet, bugs hitting me left and right. Never underestimate the pain velocity of suicidal bugs.

7:30pm: Search unsuccessfully for the zip drive containing my database project. Why do I always lose the large gig drives?

9:15pm-ish: Desperately seek out a ravishing fairy costume for the ALA party in SL. I look good.

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