Saturday, October 06, 2007

HOT... but No Hot Tub

This is not a talk on global warming. Really, I don't know if I buy it - and even if I do - it would be because it's part of a natural cycle.

But it's hot. Like 80 degrees hot. Perhaps this is not abnormal for Minnesota - I haven't lived here long enough to know. But this WOULD be typical weather in, say, Panama City Beach this time of year.

After a lovely day looking at fall colors and taking some lazy walks in sandals and shorts (SHORTS, mind you), we decided to go soak in the hot tub. After all, we sacrificed our first child to our landlords for this little amenity. So, we take the key fob (what does fob stand for?) and enter the... well, wait. We don't enter. Green light and an immediate red light. And again. And again. Darn the hot and hot tub gods! And for technology that doesn't work like it is supposed to. *Sigh* back to football.

1 comment:

Amy J said...

Yuck. Silly fobs. It is back to being fall here again after a week of summer nastiness (80s and yucky humid). Love ya. Hope you got a working fob now!