Friday, November 23, 2007

We Survived Black Friday!

That's right, friends. We were up at 3:15 this morning to make it to Kohl's for the $99 food processor (only 3 left by the time we got to it) and a few other minor items. Then, off to JC Penney for, among other things, a winter jacket for James that we got for $20 instead of $60. Finally, to Target, which was a flippin' madhouse because of the electronics deals; no matter, though, because we bought our few items and left.

And what "items" might I be referring to? Wouldn't you like to know! I'm not spoiling the fun.


Amy J said...

I have yet to go out, I am scared :-) (We are in NJ with Dory's family and there are WAY too many people!)

Chandra said...

Congrats on getting the food processor! You mentioned last week that you needed one.

Anonymous said...

I got a few things on black friday but didnt shop long.

Anonymous said...

I got a few things but didnt stay out long.

Anonymous said...

How are you and the family? How are things going?